Brackets is a powerful text editor that can be used to design web pages, as it is also capable of handling various types of codes and scripts, besides it includes handy visual editing tools. Therefore writing code using Brackets is just as easy as writing plain, simple text.
Brackets comes with quite a lot of remarkable features, including the support for inline editors that let you use inline windows instead of having to switch among different tabs, or the live preview function that lets you instantly see the effects of code changes on the output. Although already a comprehensive and feature-rich tool, Brackets can be extended any further through the use of extensions. An impressively large collection of those is available for Brackets.
Another cool things about Brackets is the preprocessor support (functions like Quick Edit and Live Highlight can be used with your LESS and SCSS files), and the fact that it's open source, therefore it can also be used for free by anyone. Despite its many features, it's also easy to use, intuitive, and lightweight. Last but not least, it supports several popular formats including HTMS, JavaScript and CSS.
In conclusion, Brackets is a great code editor that leaves no room for criticism.
HTML Search & Replace is a tool for search and replace text in bulk html files
Designed to save your time when you need to insert HTML code in script file.
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